The Stauffer Academy recently concluded a particularly emblematic academic year, marked by profound changes and major evolutions, which began with the opening of its new headquarters in Palazzo Stauffer and the launch of the ambitious international project of the Stauffer Center for Strings.
The balance of activities carried out and development goals achieved in 2021 – 2022 is particularly positive.
Through the strengthening and enhancement of the traditional annual programs, together with the creation of a whole series of new academic activities (the annual concertmaster program, masterclasses, labs, residencies), a total of 37 higher education courses were realized, involving 57 world-renowned artists as teachers and more than 25 international partners, for a total of more than 1,7000 hours of teaching carried out.
Equally significant numbers were recorded on the enrollment front with over 600 applications and 332 total students admitted, from 36 countries around the world.
Particularly relevant was also the productive activity put in place by Stauffer, with the creation of a full-fledged series of concerts and talks streamed live from the Stradivari Hall of the Stauffer Center and the launch of the first edition of the summer festival, which received excellent feedback from the public and the press.
Thanks to the solidity and foresight of the Stauffer Foundation, taking inspiration from the extraordinary 30-year experience of the Stauffer Academy and the path of excellence traced by its historic teachers, a unique cultural project was thus launched, based on the principles of innovation, internationality, sustainability and absolute artistic excellence.
With pride and satisfaction, the Foundation therefore renews its commitment to support culture, education and young people, looking to tomorrow with renewed hope, confidence and a sense of responsibility.
Happy Summer!